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On this page you can see samples of Bob's demonstration paintings which he painted for art clubs, art societies, small businesses and including painting workshops around the North West and Central parts of the UK and North Wales. Painting demonstrations are usually two hours long unless you have a workshop directly after the demonstration which could be another two or three hours long. 
The actual real time you have to work on a painting is around 90 minutes, you have the introduction and any other business at the start, and then half way though there is a tea break were members of the group can get a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits, and some come up to the artist to chat and ask for advice, Bob also uses this time to clean up and prepare for the final part of the painting session.
Although a demonstration is generally two hours long, getting to a venue can take hours, one example was when I had a demonstration for an art group in Penrith, which is 100 miles from where he lives on Merseyside. You have to give yourself enough time to allow for traffic, which means, if everything goes well you could be sitting in your car outside of the venue waiting for it to open, which could be a while, on the other hand, if the traffic is bad you could get to the venue late which means you have less time and you have to hit the ground running…
Typically, Bob use 'Atelier Interactive' acrylic paints for his demonstrations, and sometimes for his plein air paintings, which are made by Chroma, a company based in Australia. He paints on Saunders Waterford or Arches 300lbs rough watercolour paper, this paper is less prone to cockling when it is wet and it is tough enough when stumbling. Occasionally, Bob will do a demonstration using oil paint on canvas or panel, but not every venue will allow you to use oils for health and safety reasons.
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